
March 4, 2019

Contact Dancing with Karen Rain

So I’m sitting there and it’s starting to sink in. How extraordinary it is to be here with Karen, listening to a teacher give us a ten-minute safer-space talk about touch and consent. How would Karen’s life have turned out, I wonder, if this level of clarity had been available twenty-five years ago in the Ashtanga world?
February 9, 2019

Yoga, Cults, Neurodivergence, Structural Sexism: Tiffany Rose and Matthew Remski in Conversation

I think disillusionment as a growth process actually underrated. The trick is (and this is where I think I fall down and where people, perhaps people who are critical of what I do don't get enough from me) which is that disillusionment really has to be healed by some form of re-enchantment. And so I'm working on that part, but it's hard because all of my critical work is also wrapped up in the wounds of having been a cult survivor.