
November 20, 2014

WAWADIA Update #20 /// The Kaminoff-Matthews Interview: Full Transcript

This is the full transcript of my 10/13/2014 conversation with Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews, and Sarah Barnaby over dinner in Leslie’s office at The Breathing Project. I published the first bit of it in an earlier update, and will pick up the action from there, midstream, breaking into our reflection on the sculptural metaphor with which film makers Lindsey and Jake Clennell open their unreleased film Sadhaka.
October 11, 2014

Why Are Some Folks Distorting and Dismissing Chelsea Roff’s Article on Anorexia and Yoga?

Roff is obviously not saying that yoga causes eating disorders. She's saying here and throughout the piece that for all its marketing of therapeutic benefit, yoga culture has more work to do to distinguish itself from the toxicity of the dominant body-shaming paradigm. That in fact, its very pretences to therapy and spiritual renewal often cover up the psychopathologies of its practitioners.
July 3, 2014

WAWADIA Update #8 /// Notes on my Hospitalization

For more than a century, yoga has straddled the paradigmatic threshold between an intuition-based knowledge fostered internally and nurtured by anecdote for generations, and the evidence-based knowledge that has evolved through the intersubjective process of shared, repeatable research. When I was briefly hospitalized last week, I was lucid enough, and not too discomforted by pain, that I could sit for while on that threshold and meditate.