Suggested Additions to Adyashanti’s Anemic “Post-Election Letter”
November 22, 2016
Against the “Recent YTT Grad” Stereotype
July 9, 2017In many yoga spaces, teachers and students share the expectation that adjustments are a standard part of practice. But this aspect of modern yoga is marred by an uncomfortable history. At the dawn of the global movement in 1930s India, adjustments in key learning spaces such as the Mysore Palace merged with the somatics of corporal punishment. They conveyed assumptions about spiritualized pain and surrender, delivered through a pedagogy of unquestioned charisma and presumed consent. In combination, these factors have led to decades of blurred boundaries, sexualized touch, and general intrusion. If you’re a yoga teacher and you want to adjust people, this presentation will help you get square with this history first. It will help you think about how you will protect your students from it, especially in an unregulated industry. It will offer guidelines for moving forward in the creation of safe and student-driven yoga education.
What This Presentation Covers:
- Introduction to yoga injury data, including available numbers on injuries related to adjustments, and the problems of self-reporting.
- Unresolved questions about scope of practice and touch competency.
- What authoritarian pedagogy looked like and meant in early modern yoga; its legacy of mystique and power.
- “The modern yoga movement emerges out of a homosocial educational context rife with corporal punishment. This context assumed the teacher’s ownership of and mastery over the body. Its assumptions about intervention, corrections, and consent linger.”
- What we know and don’t know about T. Krishnamacharya (1888-1989).
- Mysore accounts of Jois and Iyengar.
- The overt meanings of pain in the language of Jois and Iyengar.
- Jois’ sexual harassment of women students.
- How popular brands mainstreamed the Jois method of adjustment.
- The pushback: how trauma sensitivity training, notions of “receptive touch”, more crossover between yoga and psychotherapy, and (especially) consent cards are overturning almost eighty years of intrusive teaching.
Supporting Links:
- Jois’ account of the violence of Krishnamacharya
- The Jois adjustment video. Trigger warning: sexual harassment.
- Photograph from Yoga Nilayama, Encinitas CA, mid-80s. Trigger warning: sexual harassment.
- How Manouso Manos and Patricia Walden narrativize Iyengar’s physical interactions with students. Time cue 19:00.
- Iyengar strikes a female student (2005). Time cue 25:40.
- Jacqui Hargreaves on the overlap between corporal punishment and yoga postures in 19th-century Indian village schools.
General WAWADIA? Bibliography
I’ve highlighted the texts most relevant to this presentation.
Abram, David. The spell of the sensuous: perception and language in a more-than-human world. New York: Pantheon , 1996. Print.
Ainsworth, Mary D. Salter. Patterns of attachment: a psychological study of the strange situation. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates ;, 1978. Print.
Akers, Brian Dana. The Hatha yoga Pradipika. Woodstock, NY: YogaVidya.com, 2002. Print.
Alter, Joseph S. Yoga in modern India: the body between science and philosophy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton U Press, 2004. Print.
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Arikha, Noga. Passions and tempers: a history of the humours. New York: Ecco, 2007. Print.
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Baudrillard, Jean. Simulations. New York City, N.Y., U.S.A.: Semiotext(e), Inc., 1983. Print.
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Bollas, Christopher. Being a Character Psychoanalysis and Self Experience. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2013. Print.
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Bronkhorst, Johannes. The two traditions of meditation in ancient India. Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1986. Print.
Bryant, Edwin F. The Yoga sūtras of Patañjali: a new edition, translation, and commentary with insights from the traditional commentators. New York: North Point Press, 2009. Print.
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Coakley, Sarah, and Kay Kaufman Shelemay. Pain and its transformations: the interface of biology and culture. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U Press, 2007. Print.
Cohen, Esther. The modulated scream: pain in late medieval culture. Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2010. Print.
Cope, Stephen. Yoga and the quest for the true self. New York: Bantam , 1999. Print.
Cozolino, Louis J. The neuroscience of psychotherapy: healing the social brain. 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010. Print.
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Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Print.
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Decety, Jean, and William John Ickes. The social neuroscience of empathy. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2009. Print.
Derrida, Jacques. Margins of philosophy. Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1982. Print.
Desai, Amrit. Kripalu yoga: meditation-in-motion. Lenox, MA: Kripalu Publications, 1985. Print.
Dijkhuizen, Jan Frans van. The sense of suffering constructions of physical pain in early modern culture. Leiden: Brill, 2009. Print.
Doidge, Norman. The brain that changes itself: stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. New York: Viking, 2007. Print.
Doniger, Wendy. Hindu myths: a sourcebook. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975. Print.
Doniger, Wendy. The Hindus: an alternative history. New York: Penguin Press, 2009. Print.
Edwards, Michaelle Z. YogAlign: pain-free yoga from your core. Hanalei, Hawaii: Mana Press, 2010. Print.
Eknath, Easwaran. The Bhagavad Gita. Petaluma, CA: Nilgiri Press, 1985. Print.
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Farhi, Donna. Teaching yoga: exploring the teacher-student relationship. Berkeley, Calif.: Rodmell Press :, 2006. Print.
Favazza, Armando R. Bodies under siege: self-mutilation and body modification in culture and psychiatry. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U Press, 1996. Print.
Fernandez, Ephrem, and Dennis C. Turk. “The utility of cognitive coping strategies for altering pain perception: a meta-analysis.” Pain 38.2 (1989): 123-35. Print.
Feuerstein, Georg. The yoga tradition: its history, literature, philosophy, and practice. Prescott, Ariz.: Hohm Press, 1998. Print.
Fields, Gregory P. Religious therapeutics body and health in Yoga, Āyurveda, and Tantra. Albany: State U of New York, 2001. Print.
Firestone, Shulamith. The dialectic of sex: the case for feminist revolution. New York: Morrow, 1970. Print.
Forrest, Ana T. Fierce medicine: breakthrough practices to heal the body and ignite the spirit. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2011. Print.
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison. New York: Pantheon , 1977. Print.
Freeman, Richard. The mirror of yoga: awakening the intelligence of body and mind. Boston: Shambhala, 2010. Print.
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Freud, Sigmund, and Katherine Jones. Moses and monotheism. New York: Vintage , 1967. Print.
Freud, Sigmund, and James Strachey. Three essays on the theory of sexuality. New York: Basic , 19751962. Print.
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Gatchel, Robert J., and Dennis C. Turk. Psychosocial factors in pain: critical perspectives. New York: Guilford Press, 1999. Print.
Gelman, Susan A. The essential child: origins of essentialism in everyday thought. Oxford: Oxford U Press, 2003. Print.
Germain, Blandine, and Stephen Anderson. Anatomy of movement. English language ed. Seattle: Eastland Press, 1993. Print.
Ghose, Aurobindo. The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo. [2d ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press] Distributors for the U.S.A. Associated ellers, Westport, Conn., 1959. Print.
Gladwell, Christopher. The garland of jewels: a workbook on the many facets of yoga, for yogins, yoga teachers and yoga students. England: Siddha Publishing, 2012. Print.
Glucklich, Ariel. Sacred pain: hurting the body for the sake of the soul. Oxford: Oxford U Press, 2001. Print.
Gonzalbo, Fernando. In the eyes of God: a study on the culture of suffering. Austin: U of Texas Press, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, 2006. Print.
Gupta, Bina. An introduction to Indian philosophy: perspectives on reality, knowledge, and freedom. New York: Routledge, 2012. Print.
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Harrington, Anne. The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine. New York: W.W. Norton, 2008. Print.
Harrington, Anne. The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine. New York: W.W. Norton, 2008. Print.
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Horovitz, Ellen G., and Staffan Elgelid. Yoga therapy: theory and practice. New York: Routledge, 2015. Print.
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Horton, Carol A., and Roseanne Harvey. 21st century yoga: culture, politics, and practice. Chicago: Kleio , 2012. Print.
Horton, Carol A. Yoga Ph. D.: integrating the life of the mind and the wisdom of the body. Chicago, Ill.: Kleio , 2012. Print.
Iacoboni, Marco. Mirroring people: the new science of how we connect with others. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008. Print.
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Irigaray, Luce. Between East and West from singularity to community. New York: Columbia U Press, 2002. Print.
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