Yoga philosophy

June 15, 2013

Yoga at the Threshold: abstracts for feedback

I'm putting together a collection of essays entitled Yoga at the Threshold: Critical Meditations, for release in early 2014. It The 2012 publication of Threads of Yoga benefited immensely from crowdsourced feedback, so I thought I'd present the following abstracts publicly at this time to begin this process again. I'd be most appreciative of any comments -- confrontative or tangential -- that you might have to offer on any of the subjects below. Those abstracts that are in quotations are from essays that have already evolved through several drafts.
June 11, 2013

Writing about Gurus: Insiders vs. Outsiders, and Other Problems

I am aware of hundreds of people who say that their gurus helped them to grow, and to grow up, illuminated hidden resources within them, and encouraged them with the feeling of being loved “unconditionally”. I’m still friends with some of these folks. Moreover – and this is where it gets complex – I remember their story and its feelings from my own life, and I remember defending those feelings from other questioners and critics.
April 25, 2013

Notes on the nirguṇa / saguṇa paradox, by way of homage to Aghori Babarazzi

Aghori's masala of cruel empathy flavours the absurd task of making us naked and strange to ourselves, forcing us to wriggle, shift, and grow in the glare of our own contradictions. It’s a dirty, dirty job, but somebody – I mean nobody – I mean somebody who’s made himself a nobody pretending to be everybody – has to do it.