
February 9, 2019

Yoga, Cults, Neurodivergence, Structural Sexism: Tiffany Rose and Matthew Remski in Conversation

I think disillusionment as a growth process actually underrated. The trick is (and this is where I think I fall down and where people, perhaps people who are critical of what I do don't get enough from me) which is that disillusionment really has to be healed by some form of re-enchantment. And so I'm working on that part, but it's hard because all of my critical work is also wrapped up in the wounds of having been a cult survivor.
February 2, 2019

Yoga Trolling and Yoga Cults: A Connection

Several prominent and combative figures on yoga social media are or have been embedded within yoga cults. This post speculates that by not disclosing these connections, and by blending or obscuring their religious agendas with anti-racist and social justice oriented concerns, these figures free themselves up to harass or troll targets with impunity, in ways that preserve familiar cultic behaviours, while avoiding responsibility for their complicity in abusive organizations.