
September 21, 2014

Rob Ford, Emotional Whiplash, and the Suburban Medieval

What are we to feel? Kind people, or people who want to appear kind, will bite their tongues to separate Rob Ford’s health crisis from his character. But the Fords actually want to drive these together. Cancer becomes a campaign opportunity, to show how a pious commitment to neoliberal hooliganism is the noblest way to confront death.
July 25, 2014

WAWADIA UPDATE #11 /// Methods to Reduce Injury: An Interview Subject Speaks Out

Track complaints. Measure their frequency and prioritize them. Propose and design changes. Implement fixes and resolve them. Train staff to do better. Customers expect no less of us and we know that we won't retain them unless we address their issues.
June 28, 2014

Anything Is Possible? Um, No. /// A Yoga Selfie Blog Fail

What I can say for sure is that people get injured in asana when they are encourashamed by unrealistic expectations projected by people who don't notice or pay attention to difference because if they did they would have to modulate their belief in the universal value of whatever they're selling. So I'm asking for that to stop, please.