
February 21, 2015

Meditation: a Conversational Model

It’s helpful to remember that the best conversations end in radiant aporia – an impasse of language and thought brought about through empathy and interconnection. When conversants exhaust their content and fall silent in an awareness of the world that conjoins them, they enact socially what meditators have always sought in private yogic experience.
July 28, 2013

śruti and smṛti: intertextu-orality, phenomenology, and the so-ham behind the swan

Sensation is given, something we discover ourselves within, something we have been thrown-into: it is śruti. Thought follows, in language that extends through time backwards into memory, and forward into expectations built upon memory. Thought is smṛti.
July 4, 2011

opening mantras remind me that to write truly I must keep an animal head and use my very bones to scratch my marks...
July 2, 2011


Language is the child continually asking “where are we going?” and “when will we get there?” Mantra is the child who says “I love it here right now."